A highlight of our trip was being able to see Clarke and Brenda again. Clarke and Brenda live in Green Valley, about a 40 minute drive south of Tucson. They lived in Cuenca for several years and moved back to the U.S. about 3 or 4 years ago.
Clarke had a blog about Cuenca life while they were in Cuenca and if you read it, you know what a fun loving guy he is.
They invited us for breakfast last week. We had a wonderful visit and were so happy to see them so healthy and happy.
Picture of Clarke and Chuck
Clarke, Brenda and Chuck
Yesterday, we went to the Arizona Desert Museum with Audrey, Carol and her husband, Frank.
I am so glad this was on our "to do" list. It is an amazing place. The museum is all about the flora and fauna of the desert. I was amazed by all the life that exists in such an arid place.
Just look at these pictures:
saguaro cactus
cholla cactus, it looks like a it would be soft but those little needles are very stiff and sharp.
We visited the hummingbird aviary. Such a wonderful exhibit. A great chance to photograph these little critters up close.
costa's hummingbird
female black chinned hummingbird
another Costa's hummingbird
Frank, Audrey and Carol enjoying the aviary.
a beautiful agave
The second aviary we went into housed other birds of the desert. This is a female cardinal.
and this is a stellar's jay
I thought this guy was a statue at first because he was standing so still. This big horn sheep was enjoying the warm Arizona sunshine.
A new animal for me, this is a coati.
An early blooming cactus.
A walking trail through the cactus garden.
The raptor demonstration was fun to watch. Here is a raven getting a bit of a treat from the handler.
A great horned owl
Sisters: Audrey and Carol enjoying the show.
Here is a close up view of a cactus.
This lady has a burrowing owl.
An incredible view of the desert floor from Gates Pass.
We have had an incredible time with family and friends in Arizona.
Because of the magic of scheduling when you want your blog posts to publish, as you are reading this post, Chuck and I are en route to India.
I will take lots of pictures, but I am not taking a computer with me so I will have to wait for our return, in March, to share them.