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Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Visit to the Pyramids!

Dear Family and Friends,

Yesterday Chuck and I took a tour of a Pyramid City. Yep, that is what it was called.  This city consisted of 26 pyramids. Before you get too excited let me explain that we are in one of the driest climates in the world in this part of Peru.  

My vision of pyramids was some tall structures made out of stone.  The pyramids of Egypt or Mexico for example.  

It turns out that the Pyramid City (Tucume) was built of adobe brick.  Dried mud blocks!  

This was not a big problem until El Ninos occurred from 950AD until 1200AD.  Yes my friends, climate change destroyed the Pyramid City.  The rains destroyed the adobe bricks and started mass erosion of the mighty structures.

This is the view I had overlooking the pyramids.

You can only imagine my disappointment.

The only evidence to me that these pyramids ever existed is from the results of the archeological digs.  

I will share with you what I learned in the near by museum.

First of all, this area was not even of interest to archeologists until 1987 when a Norwegian explorer became interested in the area.  It does not surprise me that the area was unnoticed.  

This is an artist concept of what one of the pyramids looked like when it was first built.

This is that pyramid today.

Another pyramid before

How it is today

The most interesting part of the museum is all the items that have been found through the archeological exploration.  I will share a few of the mostly copper, silver and gold items.  Quite impressive artwork for thousands of years ago.

This is an ear ring worn by the elite men.  It is huge and below is a picture of how it fit in the ear lobe.  

For my Georgia family and friends, this is a peanut necklace made out of half gold and half silver.

Another gold object.

Quite impressive that he can stand upright holding all the weight on his head and body.

This is an artists idea of the leader and his subjects. 

This was a four hour tour.  We came home exhausted but at least now we know what happened to those pyramids and just in case this was high on one of the things you needed to know....well, now you know.

More coming tomorrow.




  1. Was that Lord Saipan"s museum or another museum.

  2. Very interesting story and fascinating jewelry. No doubt, you and Chuck have been to Lima, and visited the pyramid there which is much more intact. However, unlike the Pyramids of Egypt people can't go in them, but during the day can climb the outside if they so desire. Right across the street from the pyramid is a fabulous steak house called Carnal Prime Steakhouse. Both the steakhouse and the pyramid are located in the Miraflores neighborhood of Lima.

    1. Jim, we were in Miraflores neighborhood of Lima about 35 years ago. Don't recall the pyramid or the restaurant. If and when we ever return we will certainly look for it.

  3. Fascinating!!
    PS - This is Nikhil Pandit. Blogspot is not letting me sign in for some reason so posting as Ananymous...pretty irritating

    1. Nikhil, Having problems with FaceBook. I understand the frustration. Thanks for commenting.


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