We have had a very nice week. Carol Watson, our sister-in-law, is visiting with us. Every morning has been very casual with a late breakfast on the patio. Chuck and Carol go to the market for fresh fruit and fresh bread each morning. Chuck stops and gets the newspaper. Having the enclosed patio has really worked out great for us because we can use it in any weather.
Carol has been going to school each day from 1:00pm to 6:00pm. Several nights this past week we have met her at the school and had dinner downtown. There are so many new restaurants to share with her since her visit last year.
Monday night we met friends for dinner at Akelarre.
Friday, after going to both the Eucalyptus Cafe and Zoe's Restaurant for ex-pat night, a bunch of us ended up going to Otabe, the Japanese grill for dinner. We didn't get home until almost midnight.
And last night we went over to see Bruce and Charlie's new apartment and then on to Indian Bapu for dinner. Their place is fabulous. It is very spacious and the views are fantastic. Sorry, I did not take pictures of their apartment, but maybe after they have it furnished, they will let me share it with you through the blog.
Here are Charlie, Chuck and Carol at Bapu. We went upstairs to sit on pillows at the six inch high table. I am definitely getting too old for this. It is bad enough sitting down but very embarrassing when I have to get on all fours to get up. As usual, the meal was terrific. After dinner, we walked to the ice cream shop for dessert.
This past week I went to the doctor for a check up. Since I was sick I do not have the energy I feel I should have. He did the usual exam, weight (ugh), checked ears, throat, listened to my lungs, heart, etc. I was glad to learn that my blood pressure was normal. I go in Monday morning (after 12 hrs. fasting) for blood work. The doctor said I can get the results Monday afternoon. I will return to the him on Tuesday and we will go from there.
Medical care services are different here than in the USA. For example, I have to take a urine and stool specimen with me when I go to get my blood work done. To do this I must first go to a pharmacy and buy a specimen cup and whatever I will need to get the stool specimen.
Also, when the blood work is done, I will pick up the results from the laboratory and hand carry them with me to the doctor on Tuesday.
Oh, by the way, my visit to the doctor was $25.
Even though we have not had the usual amount of rain, our patio is looking great. Chuck keeps everything watered and the plants are blooming as they should be since it is spring here.
The strawberries are doing great....
This geranium is a very dark red....very beautiful....
This purple fuchsia is very is one of our favorites.
So much for this past week.
We are looking forward to getting together with friends at Rich's and Nancy's house for Thanksgiving.
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