Today I will share some bits and pieces of Vilcabamba. We are returning in March so I am sure that I will have additional pictures from that trip.
One day while walking to town from the Izhcayluma we took a winding trail unstead of the asphalt road. During this walk we saw a sign that said "adobes for sale." Soon we saw this small adobe (bricks made from mud) factory. It was a one man operation.

He had one form that was made from wood. He would fill the form with mud from his wheelbarrow.

The mud was just the right consistency so that he could take the form off immediately. After the adobe dried it was stacked up to sell.

One thing about Vilcababama is that people live and visit there from all over the world. We met people from Germany, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, along with people from the U.S. while we were there. We also met a couple bicycling. They had come from the U.S. on their bicycles. Whew!
We saw several motor homes from Europe. People driving through South America. Chuck and I plan to do the same thing one day but in a 4 wheel drive vehicle.
Here is one camper we saw on the square. It was from France. I guess they had it shipped over.

A closer look at their back window shows they have already done a good portion of South America.

On our walk to town each day we passed one of the many houses built by gringos. The hillsides are dotted with them. Some a quite fancy like this one, others are more modest.

The views from the valley looking up into the hills are as beautiful as looking down from the mountain top. Here are some houses dotting the hillside.

We walked to Craig's Book Exchange. This is a used bookstore. They carry books in many different languages since the tourists are from all over. Book trading is encouraged. Here is Chuck shopping inside.

And here is Chuck sampling a cappucino during our quest for the best cup of coffee in Vilcabamba

As I said before, we did not try every single coffee shop. The results will have to wait until we finish our research. We are returning in March.
We had a great time and we are now all rested and happy to be back home.
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